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Denise Allard Trout

[email protected]
added September 13, 2014

Roles: Animal Support

Notes: Denise was doing a cat care shift at Petco Ren. but is now pregnant so cannot handle litter. Pam

Dawn Allen

[email protected]
added December 17, 2013


Notes: 12/17/2013 - sent documentation and invitation for home visit. -Denise-

Diane Allen

[email protected]
added July 22, 2012


Notes: 7/22/2012 - already in communication with Diane and have assessed the dog. Setting up home visit. -Denise- 7/23/2012 - home visit went well. 10/1/2013 - says cannot foster again in the future. Moving to "not interested" status. -Denise-

Kate Allen

[email protected]
added July 26, 2014


Notes: Emailed cat foster info 8-3-14, and update on 8-8. DE No longer interested in fostering. Will place cats herself. DE 8-11-14

logan allen

[email protected]
added April 17, 2014



Paige Allen

[email protected]
added September 18, 2010


Notes: i wrote her 10-17 about petco and petsmart. hje

Peggy Allen

[email protected]
added December 3, 2013

Roles: Animal Transport
Dog Foster

Notes: 12/3/2013 - I know Peggy personally and have been to her home. -Denise-

RosEtta Allen

[email protected]
added January 4, 2013


Notes: Not elgible to foster because does not want to pay the pet deposit where she lives. DE

Sheri Allen

[email protected]
added January 3, 2010


Notes: Very dedicated new foster parent! So glad to have her. Audie 1-3-10 8/12/2012 moved out of the area. Changing to 'not interested' status. -Denise-

Sue Allen

[email protected]
added February 10, 2010


Notes: emailed 12/15/10 to see if still interested. JBA

[email protected]
added January 1, 2006



Donna Allison

[email protected]
added September 14, 2010


Notes: Attended cat foster training 9-14-10. deb


[email protected]
added June 27, 2017


Notes: 6/28/2017 - sent dog support greeting and dog support waiver. -Denise-

Diana Almanza

[email protected]
added September 19, 2015

Roles: Feral Cats


Shelley Alonso-Marsden

[email protected]
added July 3, 2011


Notes: sent info on cat fostering 7-4-11. DE Attended cat foster training 7-5-11. DE

Heather Aloor

[email protected]
added January 11, 2014


Notes: Has decided to adopt instead. DE 2-6-14 Sent email on 4/15/14 to ascertain current interest in participating on feral team. No response rec’d so moving this person to the Inactive List on 4/23/14. TJB

Alex Alston

[email protected]
added April 26, 2010


Notes: working with Marths Sue on feral team. Will be gone for the summer. deb 4-22-10

Brette Alston

[email protected]
added June 21, 2011



Michael Alston

[email protected]
added March 2, 2016

Roles: Animal Support
Animal Transport
Feral Cats

Notes: 4/9/16 - Attended New Volunteer Orientation. EB Will be transporting food to shed. Will be working with feral team also. Activated on Animal Support

Royce Alston

[email protected]
added February 6, 2017

Roles: Dog Foster

Notes: 2.11.2017 - Forwarded volunteer app. to Laurie LaBean. - JYY. 6/10/2017 - added to dogprogram listserv -Denise-