Shalini Arimilli
[email protected]
added December 22, 2016
Animal Support
Dog Foster
Notes: 12.23.2016 - Asked her what kind of volunteering she is interested in doing to direct her to the right people. - JYY. 1.5.2017 - Sent info about pending VFP, but she will start w/cat volunteering. - JYY. 1/14/17 Attended New Volunteer Orientation - EB 2.2.2017 - Forwarded volunteer app. to Laurie LaBean. - JYY 6/10/2017 added to dogprogram listserv -Denise-
Lauren Armenta
[email protected]
added October 8, 2009
Graphic Design
Public Relations
Notes: Adopted her foster Kobi. Not currently fostering JEH 3/19/10
Dorothy Armstrong
[email protected]
added January 23, 2018
Roles: Dog Foster
Notes: Dorothy rescued a chained dog from her neighborhood and wants to foster. 2/4/18 Laurie conducted home visit. NO FENCE. Dorothy has 3 dogs -- 1 male 2 female; all dog-friendly and neutered. Dorothy's husband and 2 kids live with her. She is experienced with dogs and a good candidate to foster, though her current situation (no fence, multiple dogs) makes that more challenging. She is moving soon, hopefully to a location with a fenced yard. 2/6/18 sent second dog foster email, added to listserv, assigned Laurie as mentor. -- Alexandra
Jackie Armstrong
Jenna Armstrong
Kathleen Armstrong
[email protected]
added June 6, 2012
Notes: 6/7/2012 - too far away to foster with IAR. Moving to "not interested" status. -Denise-
Daphne Arnaud
Alyxandria Arthur
Hanna Asdefa
[email protected]
added August 23, 2017
Roles: Dog Foster
Notes: 8/23/2017 - sent dog foster greeting and dog foster agreement. -Denise- 8/28/2017 - received signed foster agreement. Sent additional dog program materials. Connected with Allison for mentoring. Added to dogprogram listserv. -Denise- 3/7/2018 Allison Pritts conducted home visit. Home is in suburbs with 3' wood/chicken wire fence. Hanna already has dog she is proposing to foster, who is friendly. Husband works out-of-state and supports Hanna fostering. She has informal experience doing so and a pet-friendly home, good candidate to foster.
Alexis Ashmeade
[email protected]
added July 5, 2016
Notes: 7/16/2016 - advised that Greensboro is probably too far away to participate with us. Encouraged her to seek out a rescue closer to her. -Denise-
James Asmussen
[email protected]
added September 9, 2016
Notes: 9/17/2016 - attended dog program orienation. -Denise- 1/17/2017 - removing from dog foster program. James is the partner to Shana Yadid. They have been unrsponsive, uncooperative, and have not been keeping their foster dog up-to-date on meds, and are way behind on getting spay-neuter performed, despite multiple reminders. Do not use this volunteer in the future. -Denise-
Elena Assan
[email protected]
added September 3, 2016
Notes: 4/25/2017 Failed to reply to email re: web interest. CB
Amy Atkins
[email protected]
added January 2, 2015
Roles: Animal Support
Notes: attended new volunteer orientation Jan 10 2015 - EB updated email address per her request 7/30/17 EB
[email protected]
added July 18, 2016
Notes: Address is Smithfield - out of area. Will remove from database. 7/19/16 EB
Laura Atkinson
[email protected]
added November 17, 2009
Dog Foster
Notes: current IAR vol that was missing in DB, 11-17-09 Audie
Sky Austin
Wesley Autrey
[email protected]
added June 25, 2016
Notes: 7/2/2016 - emailed to see if someone over 21 in the household could volunteer also. Suggested Virtual Facility otherwise. -Denise-