Sonny Babe

ID# IAR-A-10035

2 years old • Male • 43.6 lbs

All About Me

Sonny Babe is a happy-go-lucky, easygoing fellow. He likes to give kisses and loves cuddling and hanging with his people. Very playful and energetic, ideally he would have a fenced yard and another dog to play with of similar energy level, or a very active family.
Sonny's favorite game is tug-of-war. He plays very well with the resident dogs, and is respectful of the cat and bird in his foster home.

Sonny is crate-trained and house-trained. When he wants to go for a walk, he takes the leash in his mouth, has been trained to sit at the door before going out, and then is ready to go! Very food-motivated, he is easy to train. Sonny knows Sit, Down, and Paw, and if you throw a treat in his crate, he goes right in!

Sonny Babe is tan with white on his face, chest, and feet. He has a short coat, floppy ears, and an adorable wrinkly face.

Sonny Babe is up-to-date on vaccinations, microchipped, neutered, and heartworm negative.

Sonny Babe had an owner who could no longer care for him.

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Yes
Likes Young Kids Yes
IAR Sponsored Training

IAR subsidizes post-adoption professional training with Jane Marshall ( to encourage a life-long and successful bond between the dog and the adopter. Group classes for puppies and adult dogs are provided at a substantial discount to IAR adopters.