Altair nka Neptune

ID# IAR-A-9820

2 years old • Male • 7.5 lbs

All About Me

In the summer sky, you can easily see the star Altair smiling gently at you just over the treetops. This Altair is a sweet and cautious pup, with a timidly curious nature. With his foster siblings Altair is a gregarious young guy. He has been quite submissive with the friendly resident adult dogs in his foster home. Food, chew toys, and balls are a few of his favorite things. Altair sleeps 6-7 hours at night in a crate with his brother without any potty accidents. He reliably does his business on a puppy training pad and is learning to potty outside.

His ideal home would include another small young dog, where he can play, grow, and be loved on. He is also looking for a family who will respect his sensitive nature, and who will help him grow in confidence and joy.

Altair is a Chihuahua mix with small ears that either stick straight up or fold slightly over. His soft smooth coat is fawn-colored and he has beautiful grey/blue/green eyes.

Altair is receiving his rounds of puppy vaccinations and is up-to-date. He has been microchipped and will be scheduled to be neutered when age-appropriate.

Altair was rescued with two siblings by a Good Samaritan in a rural county to the south.

My Details
Likes Cats Unknown
Likes Dogs Yes
Likes Young Kids Yes
IAR Sponsored Training

IAR subsidizes post-adoption professional training with Jane Marshall ( to encourage a life-long and successful bond between the dog and the adopter. Group classes for puppies and adult dogs are provided at a substantial discount to IAR adopters.