
ID# IAR-A-11107

7 months old • Male • 29.2 lbs

All About Me

Handsome Harry is an intelligent, independent spirit. While he likes to venture out to new places, he also loves spending time with his humans. He is all about his toys and in his mind, there are never enough toys! Harry is fine with the cat and two adult dogs in his foster home.

He enjoys his crate and goes into it for naps. Full of energy during waking hours, he sleeps in his crate at night. Harry took to leash walking quickly and is working on house-training.

At a recent adoption event he was on his best manners, interacting sweetly with all the other dogs and people. With his inquisitive, adventurous nature, Harry is sure to bring joy to his future family!

Harry and his brother, Darby (also available for adoption) came from a rural shelter. His foster mom says they are two of the best puppies she has ever fostered!

Harry is up-to-date on vaccinations, microchipped, and neutered.

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Yes
Likes Young Kids Yes
IAR Sponsored Training

IAR subsidizes post-adoption professional training with Jane Marshall (www.cheerydogs.com) to encourage a life-long and successful bond between the dog and the adopter. Group classes for puppies and adult dogs are provided at a substantial discount to IAR adopters.