Grace Slick

ID# IAR-A-11100

7 years old • Female • 9.6 lbs

All About Me

Meet Grace Slick! Like her namesake, Grace just wants "Somebody to Love."

An independent girl, she loves to cuddle but also likes to have her space. Grace has clearly gone through some hard times in the past, so she needs patience and time to build a trusting relationship.

This girl loves to walk! When it's time to go on one of her two 1.5 mile jaunts (or it's time to eat), listen for her silly, endearing grumbles of excitement and anticipation! We are looking for a home in an interior walkable neighborhood that has little traffic and is not near any busy main roads. Because of her small, delicate frame, a dog park would not be a safe place for Grace to play.

As her temperament is best suited for adults, her forever home needs to have no children. We are not sure how she would do living with a dog or cat. During a short respite visit in a home with another small dog, she was clearly the alpha. While visiting the vet, she came across several cats and calmly sniffed them through their carriers. She does well meeting dogs through fences and is somewhat selective while meeting dogs on walks.

A sun worshiper and wildlife enthusiast, Grace really enjoys being outside and would love having a fenced yard. Living in a no-fence home currently, she happily makes do by lounging and keeping watch on the foster's screen porch, where she dutifully guards against any would-be intruders . . . lizards, squirrels, birds, deer . . . sharp-eyed and nimble Grace chases them off with tail wags aplenty!

When she's not curled up for a snooze, Grace loves zooming around the house, a game of tug with her stuffies, joyfully bringing her favorites to play. She's always up for fun adventures with her family and is thrilled to go for rides in the car. Grace is a great shopping buddy in dog-friendly stores, too!

House-trained and crate-trained, she sleeps through the night for 9+ hours and politely waits for her morning potty break and breakfast.

A quick learner, Grace knows Sit, Come, Down, and Stay. We are working on Drop It as well as calmly passing other dogs on walks. With plenty of her favorite treats, we are confident Grace will master these skills soon!

If you have an active lifestyle and are an experienced small-dog owner looking for a spunky yet chill companion with lots of personality, Grace is the perfect fit. And "Nothing's Gonna Stop Her Now" from finding her forever home!

Grace is microchipped, spayed, heartworm negative, and up-to-date on vaccinations. She requires daily eye drops in one eye for a congenital dry eye condition. Grace is a pro at getting her eye drops and doesn't mind at all!

Grace was found as a stray and taken to a local shelter.

With her feathery black coat and curly ears, Grace Slick is a stylish superstar! Her sweet muzzle appears to be speckled with moon dust.

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Yes
Likes Young Kids No
IAR Sponsored Training

IAR subsidizes post-adoption professional training with Jane Marshall ( to encourage a life-long and successful bond between the dog and the adopter. Group classes for puppies and adult dogs are provided at a substantial discount to IAR adopters.