Autumn Leaf

ID# IAR-A-11035

1 year old • Female

All About Me

Autumn Leaf is bonded to another cat and would like to be adopted together. Please check her Best Friends section.

Autumn Leaf and her sister, Amber Leaf, are the sweetest little "cali-tabbies" you've ever seen. Found as strays with kittens in tow, they had a rough start to life. They're now super easy to please and happy to simply be out of the elements.
Mixed in with her typical tabby stripes, Autumn has orange flames throughout her coat, with bright green eyes and a white chin. Her little round face makes her look like an adorable anime/caricature kitty.
Autumn is a little more reserved in comparison to her sister. Still cool, calm, and collected, but she might chill under a piece of furniture for the first few days in her new home. Giver her a minute to settle in and then she'll be ready to meet and greet with everyone!
Autumn has some really fun personality traits. I suspect she would enjoy having a water fountain to drink out of, as she likes to stick her paw in her bowl to "test the waters." She might be the type that likes to stick her head under a running faucet! She loves to be up high, so she would be thrilled with a cat tower or something to climb. Otherwise, you'll mostly find her napping in the sun or "making biscuits" on her bed (just like her sister!). She loves to use her little "hands" to guide you in the right direction when you're giving her a chin scratch. Also like her sister, she goes belly up when you start giving her pets. So cute!
Amber and Autumn are happy to snooze most of the day. They get the zoomies for about an hour each evening after dinner, where they "hunt" each other, climb their cat tower, and tumble around with enthusiasm. After that, they're ready for bed and sleep quietly through the night. While Amber would love to cuddle with you in bed if allowed, Autumn is more independent and sleeps on her own. They would be happy to spend the night anywhere you put them and truly seem to be able to adapt to any situation, even expressing interest in befriending their foster house-mate, a 45 lb. dog. Amber and Autumn would love to be part of your family and are ready to make themselves at home!

All IAR cats will be spayed or neutered, microchipped and up to date on vaccines at the time of adoption.

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Yes
Likes Young Kids Unknown