ID# C-21-004

14 year old • Male

All About Me

Coal, a.k.a. Coal kitty, cool cat, or lil dude, as his foster parents like to call him, is an all black cat with jade green eyes. At around 8lbs, he’s a small yet mighty guy.

Coal is a sweet boy looking for a place to live out his golden years. Beloved by many volunteers, he comes complete with a little IAR fan club - we just love him! Coal’s favorite thing to do is curl up in his “bedybye basket” (his bed) and become a cuddle puddle of black fur and beautiful green eyes. He’s a relaxed fellow with a penchant for seafood flavored snacks and treats. He comes running at the sound of a can being opened. He’ll even weave between your legs as if to say “I’m right here, ready for dinner!”

A lifelong lover of the outdoors, our Coal will do best in a home with lots of windows or even a sunroom. Coal hopes to find a patient, loving owner who can brush him to help with his grooming and love on him to help with his continued adjustment to the indoors. Our guy needs a special person looking out for him. If that’s you, we’d love to talk more about Coal. Submit an application today!

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Unknown
Likes Young Kids Unknown


Coal lived the better part of a decade as a beloved outdoor neighborhood cat in Chapel Hill. In fall 2020, IAR volunteers that feed our feral colonies noticed Coal was looking a bit skinny. In early 2021, Coal “retired” from the streets to undergo hyperthyroid treatment and is now adjusting to indoor life.


Coal wasn’t just a tough guy on the streets, he’s also continued to fight to improve his health since coming inside. He has been treated for hyperthyroidism as well as pancreatitis and he’s had a few pesky teeth removed (our own little “Toothless”!). Today, he enjoys taking long naps and slurping up wet treats (he loves a tuna tube) and is a pretty healthy guy. For now, wet food is best for Coal. No follow up regarding his health will be needed outside of an annual check up!
