Mike Marvelous
ID# C-19-024
6 year old • Male
All About Me
Soft and silly orange and white handsome dude
<a href="https://photos.app.goo.gl/KEAi9Nxhq7igu2gV9"> See more photos and videos! </a> Hi - I'm Mike Marvelous and I can't wait to show you how friendly and lovable I am. I am a people's kitten and will be a great companion for anyone and everyone. I'm very gentle and just like to hang out with humans. I also enjoy playtime with my siblings (Mack, Mona, and Millie). I would love to find a home with any of my siblings but I'm partial to Mona. My nick name for her is little Noodle and I'm a great big brother. Reach out and meet me today and you won't be sorry.
My Details
Likes Cats | Yes | |
Likes Dogs | Yes | |
Likes Young Kids | Yes |
Rescued with siblings from life outside