Mike Marvelous
ID# C-19-024

6 year old • Male

All About Me

Soft and silly orange and white handsome dude

<a href="https://photos.app.goo.gl/KEAi9Nxhq7igu2gV9"> See more photos and videos! </a> Hi - I'm Mike Marvelous and I can't wait to show you how friendly and lovable I am. I am a people's kitten and will be a great companion for anyone and everyone. I'm very gentle and just like to hang out with humans. I also enjoy playtime with my siblings (Mack, Mona, and Millie). I would love to find a home with any of my siblings but I'm partial to Mona. My nick name for her is little Noodle and I'm a great big brother. Reach out and meet me today and you won't be sorry.

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Yes
Likes Young Kids Yes


Rescued with siblings from life outside
