ID# C-18-427

7 year old • Female

All About Me

Punkin is a beautiful little calico with white bib, belly, and feet. She is striking!

Punkin has never met a stranger. She has an outgoing personality, and she will make sure she is noticed. While some kitties shy away from new people, Punkin introduces herself right away. She loves to reach out with a paw to get your attention, and she likes to gently give love bites. Punkin is playful and friendly to the other kitties she has been living with in her foster home. However, she hasn't been too happy with the newcomers. Punkin may very well decide that she wants to be the only kitty in your life.

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Yes
Likes Young Kids Yes


Punkin, along with <a href="https://www.animalrescue.net/C-18-426">Boots E.</a> and <a href="https://www.animalrescue.net/C-18-428">Tiger</a>, was rescued by a kind lady from a busy, dangerous intersection. The kind lady contacted an IAR volunteer for help with finding her a home of her own.
