7 year old • Female
Young black female kitten with short hair and yellow eyes.
Named in honor of the Russian collusion scandal, I am quite the diva! If energy and mischief are what you like, then I am definitely the girl for you! Whether jumping out from under the dust ruffle at your feet as you pass by or amusing myself with the window blind pulls, there is never a dull moment with me! They say 'girls just wanna have fun' and that is my motto! <p>I have become rather attached to my foster brother, Woodson, so if you are looking for a pair, might I suggest that you adopt him, too? He's very handsome and mild-mannered, most unlike myself, but I like to think that we complement each other!
My Details
Likes Cats | Yes | |
Likes Dogs | Unknown | |
Likes Young Kids | Yes |
Found running loose outdoors at approximately 5-6 weeks of age.