ID# C-17-323

8 year old • Male

All About Me

Muscular adult orange male cat with a short coat and golden eyes.

Although my name and physique would suggest that I am a great outdoorsman, I actually prefer lounging around my house on a soft bed. Once I am well-rested, I must admit I enjoy playing my foster sister, Demetria. She is a crazy mess, but I can keep up with her. I am rather talkative when I want to be, especially when calling out for my foster parents. <p>I LOVE men, so my foster mom is convinced that I belonged to a man at some time. Because of this attachment to men, my foster mom thinks that I will be best-suited in a forever home with a man in it.

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Unknown
Likes Young Kids Yes


Found in the woods camping out with some of my feral cat friends.
