7 year old • Male
Beautiful orange tabby with a sweet face
Mars is a big sweet mush who looks just like Garfield! He was found after hiding inside a car engine during a road trip! He has since shown his continued adeptness at finding tiny places to fit himself into at his foster home. He loves playing with his foster brothers and sisters and especially loves his caterpillar teaser toy. Mars is a big fan of head and chin scratches and will rub his head in your hand while he purrs. He might not be the first kitty to run up and greet visitors at home, but at bed time he will knead the pillow with his paws and fall asleep purring beside you. If your kitty needs a companion, Mars would be great! He likes other cats and older kids.
My Details
Likes Cats | Yes | |
Likes Dogs | Unknown | |
Likes Young Kids | Yes |
Traveled for 5 hours in the engine block of a car!