ID# C-17-270
7 year old • Female
All About Me
Merida is a beautiful gray cat with super soft fur. She has lovely hazel eyes.
Merida is a lively kitty who is curious about everything. She loves to run, jump, and explore anything new in her environment. She especially loves to run and play with her sister Elinor. When she settles down, she loves to crawl up in a lap and cuddle. She would love to be adopted with her sister Elinor and move to her forever home.
My Details
Likes Cats | Unknown | |
Likes Dogs | Unknown | |
Likes Young Kids | Yes |
Merida and her sister Elinor were brought to IAR by a person who didn't have the resources or space to take care of them. She wanted the kittens to be with a family who could give them the attention and love they need.