ID# C-16-279

8 year old • Male

All About Me

Gray and white tuxedo tabby

TJ is the boldest and the bravest of his sibling cohort. He is the first to tell you how happy he is when you come in the room, and if you didn't receive the affection he was so clearly demonstrating by rushing to your ankles, he has a loud purr that you can't miss. He likes cuddling, playing, being carried, and whatever you are looking at.

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Unknown
Likes Young Kids Yes


TJ was taken in when he was just a tiny kitten. He has grown up with his three brothers, Caramello, Domino, and CJ, and would love to be adopted with at least one of them. He's also approaching the age where he can be happy and well-adjusted on his own or as part of your existing family.He has been exposed to other cats and one very aloof dog, with no major disturbances. He would need to be introduced to other pets slowly, but he should do just fine!
