8 year old • Female
Scarlette is a very pretty tabby/calico young cat with lovely coloring and white paws
Scarlette is gentle and was a little timid at first, but has warmed right up and loves to play with people and her friend Scraps. Scarlette is crazy for the feather toy and will jump on top of the cat post to reach it! She enjoys being petted and has a good strong purr to keep you stroking her, and her confidence continues to grow. She has been hanging out with a lot of kids as well as our yellow lab and likes them all! <p>She lives with her good friend, <a href="http://www.animalrescue.net/C-16-232" target="_blank">Scraps</a> who is bold and they play well together. They would like to be adopted as a pair for a continued happy situation to play together.</p> Scarlette and Scraps would make a great pair for any home!
My Details
Likes Cats | Yes | |
Likes Dogs | Yes | |
Likes Young Kids | Yes |
Scarlette was a stray rescued in Hillsborough.