11 year old • Female
Strong orange, black, white markings with white boots and a tortishell saddle- a true calico-tortie with unusual bob tail.
Caitlin Sue is expressive. She learns quickly; loves attention; has lived with many other cats but seems to be okay alone too. She has perfect litter box manners; she is an excellent groomer. Since her food has improved her fur is silky. Caitlin Sue will nibble your fingers as a means of instructing you. Never hurts just surprises folks that believe cats are always sweet. She has what is known as tortitude, spice & vinegar! A small cat with a large personality; self-sufficient, naturally happy. Will make a great pet; all she needs is a chance.
My Details
Likes Cats | Yes | |
Likes Dogs | Unknown | |
Likes Young Kids | Yes |
Neighbor called in that over a dozen unaltered hungry cats next door had been abandoned. Folks left sometime in the night-have not been heard from.