9 year old • Female
Ivy is a lovely coffee with cream colored tabby with white bib on her chest and dainty white paws. Ivy is a Manx kitten, without a tail. She has a little stump that is very cute! Ivy has two different colored eyes.
Ivy is a very special girl. She is sweet as honey and tough as nails. She plays very hard and loves to wrestle with the other foster kittens in her home but she also loves lap time with her foster family. She snuggles under your chin if you will let her and purrs non stop. She likes kisses on the head and tummy and if you kiss another kitten, she meows and demands her fair share!
Ivy and her two sisters, Clover and DandyLion were found at just hours old in a landscaper's truck hence the nickname "The Garden Girls". These 3 babies were bottle fed and are very people focused and affectionate. Ivy will need to have a minor opthalmic procedure on one eyelid when she is 4 months old. Her vision will not be affected and IAR will cover the cost of this procedure. Ivy would love to be adopted with one of her sisters or how about all 3? it will be hard to choose among these little angels so you should just take all three Garden Girls!
My Details
Likes Cats | Yes | |
Likes Dogs | Yes | |
Likes Young Kids | Yes |
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