9 year old • Male
Winston is a handsome boy with a black tiger stripes on his gray back and white tummy. He has lovely markings on his face. The lines around his eyes make him look like a little pharaoh.
Winston is all boy. He is curious and adventurous, loves to play and wrestle with his siblings, especially his sister Cinder. He's the first to explore anything new. He likes to talk and has a voice of his own (he may even keep talking while he is pooping) but he is never loud or obnoxious--just fascinated by everything. Winston is as affectionate as he is playful. When he is tuckered out, he will role over in your arms and fall fast asleep upside down. He is easy to pick up and so FUNNY to watch. A little loveable rascal full of energy and fun.
My Details
Likes Cats | Yes | |
Likes Dogs | Unknown | |
Likes Young Kids | Yes |
Winston is one of five siblings recently weaned from their IAR rescued mother.