ID# C-15-101

10 year old • Female

All About Me

Lucy is an adorably small pixie of a cat. Lucy is nearly full grown at 6 pounds and will likely be a very petite adult. She is an unusual coloration known as torbie or tabico. This means she has tabby stripes overlaid with splashes of peach and orange.

Big cat personality in small cat body. Extremely playful and loves interactive play. Was hoping she could find another cat playmate here in foster home but she seems to really dislike other cats. We suspect that she missed her kittenhood and had to fend for herself as a young one, therefore became defensive towards other cats that threatened her. So she needs a person playmate. Lucy is extremely affectionate and loves sitting in laps between rounds of chasing toys. She will make an excellent active companion.

My Details
Likes Cats No
Likes Dogs Unknown
Likes Young Kids Yes


Lucy was found as a stray outside a hotel in Durham. She appeared intermittently over several months and then decided to be a full-time tenant.
