ID# C-15-072
9 year old • Female
All About Me
Mercy is a cute kitten who just looks grumpy! She has the fluffiest black fur and white rear paws. Macy has gorgeous gold eyes and her face-shape resembles that of a Persian.
Mercy is an adorable and playful kitten. She has always been around humans and loves people. Macy is a very affectionate kitten and is happiest when being held or sleeping on her foster mom! Mercy's personality has the perfect amount of playfulness and cuddliness, making her a perfect kitten addition to your family!
My Details
Likes Cats | Yes | |
Likes Dogs | Unknown | |
Likes Young Kids | Yes |
Mercy, her three sisters, and mother were taken to an area shelter by animal control when the kittens were only one day old. The shelter contacted IAR and requested for Mercy and her family to be rescued - and rescued they were!