Baby Boo
ID# C-13-014

12 year old • Female

All About Me

BooBaby is one of those unusual buff tabby cats. She is quite striking. She has ultra soft and pettable fur, and a small build.

BooBaby's personality matches her appearance. Soft, delicate, and genteel. This polite kitten does like to play, especially with laser, balls, and feathers. She gets her share at dinner time, but otherwise is rather laid back and lady-like. She is snuggly and affectionate once in your lap, and is sure to be a great companion. She likes other cats, and will happily welcome most newcomers to her foster cat family- she especially seems to like foster brother Murphy. Boo has so far proven to be very adaptable, but seems to prefer a quiet sort of life. Boo is healthy, vaccinated, litter-trained and ready for adoption. She would love to be adopted with another young gentle cat for company.

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Unknown
Likes Young Kids Unknown


BooBaby was living in a group of outdoor cats in Durham as a kitten and was rescued during the cold weather by a kind neighbor.
