13 year old • Male
Tiger is an adorable brown striped tabby
Tiger is a very loving and playful kitten that takes on the role of big brother to all the kittens in his foster home. He is always taking the lead to explore. The other kittens all love to watch his antics, play with toys and then follow him around to see what he'll get into next.
Tiger loves to sit in the window and bird watch for hours but if he hears his foster Mom coming home, he'll run to the door to greet her and follow her around. If she sits down, Tiger will be in her lap for a nap, purring at the touch of her hand. Tiger is very bonded to his sister Autumn and they would love to be adopted together.
My Details
Likes Cats | Yes | |
Likes Dogs | Unknown | |
Likes Young Kids | Unknown |
Tiger and his siblings were rescued in the back yard of their foster Mom's home after their semi-feral Mom gave birth and weaned them.