ID# C-11-157R

13 year old • Male

All About Me

Black and White tuxedo. Well dressed. Always ready for a formal event.

Yuri is a sweet boy that would like to spend his retirement with someone that will offer him the attention and care that a boy deserves. He can a little shy at first but enjoys spending one on one time with his person. He is easy to get along with and would be perfect for someone with or without cat experience. He would enjoy a quieter house.and time looking out the window or sitting with you on the couch. He loves feeding time and comes to each meal well dressed in his tuxedo.

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Unknown
Likes Young Kids Unknown


Yuri was adopted from IAR as a kitten, but unfortunately was returned due to a medical condition. It has since been resolved and is ready to find a person to share his time with. Adopting Yuri is what rescuing a cat is all about. Please consider an older kitty.


Yuri came back to IAR with a bladder stone that has been removed and no sign of it returning. He will have more success on a bladder diet along with canned food to limit the chance of any further health issue.
