13 year old • Female
Tabby, Tortie, can't decide???? I am both! I am a gray and chocolate brown marble tabby with splashes of tortie mixed in. UNIQUE! I am super soft and I have a sweet little cream-colored nose with two chocolate beauty marks on either side. Gorgeous!
Hi, I'm Abby, I am one of the Quintuplets. I am the smallest in my litter but I don't know it! I am brave, bold and have no fear (well except for the sound of the vacuum, but hey, can you blame me? That thing is loud!). I love attention and don't sit still for long, unless I am totally tired out from playing. I am full of energy and love playing with my siblings. I am very smart and have just discovered my foster mom's hair. When she is not looking, I will get behind her and climb up her back so I can paw her hair. Because of this, she has nicknamed me Smartypants. I also have learned that, if I give my foster mom kisses, she will give me lots of love back and that works for me! I am quite the lady and am a pro at using my litter box and grooming myself. I am also FelV/FIV negative. Because I am a kitten and have a lot of kitten energy, I will need to find a forever home with a feline friend, preferably one of my siblings Tyler and Quigley because I love them! To see more pictures of me and my cuteness, click on this link: https://picasaweb.google.com/114453461549107274044/TheQuintupletsABBYANGELIQUETYLERQUIGLEYLeroyWasAdopted?authkey=Gv1sRgCP_Dv5S87deMSg
My Details
Likes Cats | Yes | |
Likes Dogs | Unknown | |
Likes Young Kids | Yes |
My siblings, Angelique, Tyler, Quigley, Leroy and I were born under a garage in Durham to a feral mom. Our kitty-mom's caretaker called IAR for help. When my foster mom came to pick up my kitty-mom to be spayed, she couldn't find us under the garage! Days later, she got a call that we were spotted in a crawl space under a neighbor's house- our kitty-mom had moved us. My foster mom drove up to the house immediately and rescued us at 6 weeks old. At first, we were all scared of humans but within a matter of days we learned that people are great and we are now super-happy, friendly kittens and really enjoy the indoor lifestyle!