ID# C-10-326

14 year old • Male

All About Me

Peanut is a small orange tabby who was born without a tail. He has a little white on his chest and is just beautiful.

Peanut is a big fur ball of joy. He loves playing with his big brother Bandit and little sister Macy. He would love to be adopted as a pair. Even thought he is the smaller of the 2 boys, he can stand on his own. Peanut loves attention and will run up for hugs and kisses. He also loves for his foster mom to play hind and go seek with him. He is such a sweet boy.

My Details
Likes Cats Unknown
Likes Dogs Unknown
Likes Young Kids Unknown


Peanut was rescued from a very busy and dangerous situation. His mom moved him and his brother and sister to a flower bed in hopes that someone would find and save them.
