ID# C-10-086

16 year old • Female

All About Me

Minnaloushe is a beautiful petite white cat with big green eyes. She has an almost pointy tail that tends to fluff up when she gets excited.

Minnaloushe is as sweet as they come. She LOVES to play with the laser pointer (I have never seen a cat so excited, she literally bounces off the walls) and to lounge in front of the plate glass windows in her room, looking out for birds and squirrels. She also LOVES to be petted, and will drool excessively if you hit the right spots. Due to some past injuries, however, she's sensitive in some areas, and so it takes a little getting to know what her "right spots" are; for instance, she doesn't like to be scratched very hard right above her tail. She needs to be an only cat, and an indoor cat, as she is deaf. She really wants nothing more than a calm home with a lap to sit on. Despite her young age, and perhaps because of her hard life, there's not much kitten behavior left in her; she just wants to be with you and be loved.

My Details
Likes Cats No
Likes Dogs No
Likes Young Kids No


Minnaloushe was adopted from a local shelter. She is terribly afraid of other cats, and very aggressive toward them, so being in the shelter was really not allowing her to put her best face forward. Before coming to the shelter, she had sustained severe injuries living in a trash compactor behind Wal-Mart. This little girl is lucky to be alive! She's really blossomed since she's been in foster care.
