55 year old • Female
Tiny Eliza has one pale foot plus one pale toe, a highlighted ruff and cheeks, and penetrating amber eyes, all set off exquisitely by the dark melange of the rest of her fur: black with marbling of ginger and honey, tiny dark front paws, and a very long, slender, dark tail.
Dainty and vigorous, Eliza would be a crackerjack member of any kitten martial arts team. While she will attack fur mice, paper scraps, and bigger kittens with true verve, she's also a good sport and willing to lend a tongue bath in a pinch. Intrepid and intelligent, she's usually the first to explore any new place, the last to show fear, and often ready to appreciate a comfy napping spot.In addition, she is just darling. She frequently commences very loud purring the moment she wakes up and sees her foster caregiver in the room. One might think she's composed primarily of brain, purr, and springs.
My Details
Likes Cats | Unknown | |
Likes Dogs | Unknown | |
Likes Young Kids | Unknown |
Eliza was part of a litter born to a feral mother in Winston-Salem. She came into her foster home at about 9 weeks old along with two siblings, Jack and Jonathan. Two other siblings were adopted from the litter before coming to IAR.