15 year old • Female
Miette is a very dainty seal point Siamese, weighing only 6.5 lb. She has marbled ears, speckled whiskers and beautiful azure eyes.
Miette means "crumb" in French, a fitting name for a cat so sylph-like and delicate. This tiny girl has a personality to match her physical presence; she is sweet, demure and a bit shy upon first introduction. It doesn't take long for her to warm to strangers however, and after that, she will be a shadow that follows you from room to room. She thoroughly enjoys petting and brushing and will sit next to you or gently nibble on your fingers in play. She enjoys being picked up for a quick snuggle and nuzzle under the chin and tolerates being carried around like a baby. This damsel has an unusual and delightful purr that sounds like the cooing of a dove. She also displays the vocal traits of a true Siamese, constantly chirping in pleasure or curiosity. Miette loves to chase crocheted mice and crinkle balls around the house, preferring toys that jingle and make noise. She is crazy for a good belly rub. Miette is FeLV/FIV negative and litter box trained.
My Details
Likes Cats | Yes | |
Likes Dogs | Yes | |
Likes Young Kids | Unknown |
Miette was a pregnant stray taken in by a Good Samaritan and placed in our foster care program. Her kitten, Gideon, is also available for adoption through IAR.