Action Jackson
ID# C-08-437

19 year old • Male

All About Me

Action Jackson is a big beautiful black boy with a small white patch of fur on his chest and intelligent green eyes.

Jackson is exceedingly friendly and lovable and very talkative! He takes every opportunity to hop up in a lap or make figure 8s around our feet. When he looks at us with his big green eyes and starts to chatter we SWEAR he is telling us something, if only we were smart enough to speak his language. This very large boy will do well almost anywhere. He is clearly an alpha male, but he only play-fights with other alpha males in our house, never causing any problems. He is very secure in his masculinity! 🙂 He is playful but seems wise, also. Because of his calm yet playful nature we assume he would do well with both kids and dogs, but we don't know 100% for sure as we have neither!

More info/pictures here:

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Yes
Likes Young Kids Yes


Action Jackson was trapped as part of a "Trap, Neuter, Return" program, but because he kept trying to hug the vet staff he was deemed too civilized to go back to a feral colony. IAR rescued him and his two buddies, Huggy J Bear and Atlas Hugged, from the same location. All 3 of these big brawny boys are absolutely delightful.
