ID# C-08-316

55 year old • Female

All About Me

Pretty white cat with chartreuse eyes.

Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all? Why, Dovey, of course. This girl is one of the sweetest, gentlest, most loving cats her foster parents have had in their home (not to mention her beautiful white coat and charming face, which is particularly disarming when she turns her big eyes up at you and blinks). Dovey curls up in her people's laps, snuggles up to their sides, sleeps at the foot of their bed, follows them from room to room, and flops on her back for belly rubs. In short, she's a Lovey Dovey. When it's not lap time, this girl is also quite spry. She can be found entertaining herself by chasing shadows and jumping for string with plenty of youthful exuberance. Dovey may be a little shy at first, but she's way too affectionate to remain aloof for long. Once you've earned her trust with a good scratch behind the ears, she's yours. See more photos of Dovey by clicking this link.

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Unknown
Likes Young Kids Yes


Dovey was an outdoor cat brought into IAR's foster program by a volunteer who recognized her potential to be a wonderful indoor pet.
