16 year old • Male
Norwell is a sleek, athletically-built kitty with a soft white coat with grey markings. This lucky guy has his eyes dramatically outlined in smooth black "eyeliner".
Norwell is a great companion cat. Curious, alert and involved, he likes to be where you are. When you arrive home, you'll find him watching for you at the window before leaping down to be the first to greet you at the door. From there, whatever you need to do is what Norwell wants to do too, although he is not adverse to a bit of kitty entertainment with a string or paperbag. Norwell appreciates people of all ages and is gentle and trustworthy with small children. He does prefer at least one of his companion cats to have a bit of spunk though!Currently he enjoys playing vigorous wrestling and chasing games with his foster brother, Beau,who shares his energy and enthusiasm, before settling down for snuggles and grooming from his gentler foster sisters. Norwell is intelligent, friendly, loving and very soft to curl up with at night.He will bring a generous dose of love and laughter to his permanent family.
My Details
Likes Cats | Yes | |
Likes Dogs | Yes | |
Likes Young Kids | Yes |
Norwell showed up on a nice lady's deck in Durham and wouldn't leave, so she took him in and found him a good foster home.