ID# C-08-059

17 year old • Female

All About Me

Avril is a petite adolescent kitten with super sleek black and white fur and gorgeous emerald green eyes. Avril also has a calic on the bridge of her nose, unique!

vril and her foster mom had a talk the other day. Her foster mom asked, "How are we going to get you adopted when there are so many wonderfully cute and playful kittens to choose from?" Avril pondered this question for a moment and then answered, "Well, I am just a kitten myself and I could be adopted with one of my kittens - we play all the time. It is no secret that I was a victim of teenage pregnancy, but since arriving in fostercare, I have been able to re-connect with my 'inner kitten' and now am able to enjoy a relatively carefree adolescence!" Avril's fostermom thought about this and then asked, "Yes, you certainly are an energetic and playful little girl! What about your relationship with your humans? How do you feel about us?" Avril's eyes twinkled and she said, "Humans are wonderful! I love your opposable thumbs so that you open up canned food for me, and of course so that you can pick me up and carry me around the house! I love to wrap my back legs around your waist just like a human baby and I can't help but turn my head sideways, almost upsidedown when you rub behind my ears. I will purr and squeak with delight! Honestly, I really enjoy the company of other cats because I know that you cannot be around all the time, however I love my human friends the best." Avril is a wonderfully petite young lady. At only 6 lbs, she is fairly small, but what she lacks in mass, she makes up for with heart. Avril is a very deserving kitty and would be happy in almost any type of home - busy or quiet. Avril is FIV/FeLV negative and litterbox trained.

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Yes
Likes Young Kids Yes


Avril found herself pregnant, living on the streets with nowhere to go. A kind volunteer fed her and contacted IAR for help. Avril had her kittens in April and now she and her family are all ready to find wonderful homes of their own!
