Tennessee Whiskey

ID# D-20-171

4 year old • Female • 56 lbs

All About Me

Tennessee Whisky is a stocky sweetie who has a short fawn coat with assorted white splashes on her muzzle, neck, and belly; white-dipped paws; a pink nose, and the cutest radar ears you ever did see.

Tennessee Whiskey is a sweet and playful pup who is just full of love. Word of Caution: her honey eyes are mesmerizing! She enjoys playing with her foster brother (a 50-pound, 2-year-old pitt mix), cuddling up with him after they've wrestled for a bit, playing with balls of all sorts: bouncy, squeaky, tennis . . . Tennessee loves balls! She can also entertain herself with her chew toys. Tennessee would thrive with another dog of similar weight and energy with whom she can play and snuggle with.

Tennessee loves car rides--especially with the windows partly down, the breeze in her face! She is a smart dog, food motivated, has learned Sit and (mostly) Lay down, and is her leash manners are continually improving. Tennessee is house- and crate-trained (although she has also been fine loose in the house while we are not at home and hasn't touched any belongings).

My Details
Likes Cats Unknown
Likes Dogs Yes
Likes Young Kids Unknown

Tennessee Whiskey up-to-date on her vaccinations, microchipped, and spayed.

Tennessee tested positive for heartworms and is receiving a gentle protocol to gradually eliminate the heartworms. With the gentle protocol, no excessive confinement is required. She should not be out in the heat for long periods of time, and should not engage in heavy exercise until she tests negative for heartworms. Heavy exercise that should be avoided includes full-speed running for any distance, jogging more than a short distance such as a driveway or a block, repetitive ball chasing, and high-energy play with other dogs. Leash walking is fine in most cases, as long as she is not getting winded and it is not too hot.

Most dogs will test negative for heartworms within a year using the gentle method. Our protocol is twice per month ivermectin (heartgard, iverheart, tri-heart, etc.) 28 days of doxycycline during the first month. Tennessee began the gentle protocol in Sept. 2020 so she should test negative in Sept. 2021.


Tennessee Whiskey came into the IAR program by way of a local shelter.

IAR Sponsored Training

IAR subsidizes post-adoption professional training with Jane Marshall (www.cheerydogs.com) to encourage a life-long and successful bond between the dog and the adopter. Group classes for puppies and adult dogs are provided at a substantial discount to IAR adopters.
