John B.
ID# C-20-359

4 year old • Male

All About Me

John B. is an orange and white kitten.

John B. is a super sweet boy who loves to run, jump and play with the cats in his house. He is very curious and super smart. When John B. is not busy exploring, he loves to snuggle up beside his humans. When he is being petted, he will give the loveliest, softest purr to let you know how happy he is. Whenever anyone takes a nap, John B. will crawl into their lap to take a nap with them!

John B. can be adopted on his own. He would make a great only cat or companion for existing cats in an adopter's home. He has gotten along very well with other foster kittens and with the older cats in his foster home. He is an all around friendly guy to cats and humans alike!

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Unknown
Likes Young Kids Unknown


John B. was found with his mother by a member of the community.


John B. is a healthy kitten.
