ID# C-19-066

7 year old • Female

All About Me

Pretzel is a fluffy grey cat with golden eyes.

Pretzel is enjoying her newfound freedom after sending her babies off to their new homes. She races over to greet us the minute we walk in the door and rubs against our legs, seeking a good petting. In the evenings she plops down next to us on the bed. She is still a bit of a kitten herself, hogging all of the best toys. Pretzel seems happiest when she doesn't have to share her humans with other kitties.

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Unknown
Likes Young Kids Yes


Pretzel was found by a generous family in our community who cared for her and her kittens, Potato Chip, French Fry, Snow Cone, and Pickle until the kittens were about 2 weeks old. The cat family stayed together in an IAR foster home after that until the babies were old enough to be adopted. Now Pretzel is content to lavish her love on her foster family, including her 7-year old human foster brother!
