7 year old • Female
Petite Siamese with dilute tortoiseshell points and bright blue eyes.
Liz is not in Hollywood any longer! She has just been sighted in an IAR foster home in Chapel Hill. Like a diamond in the rough, Liz was rescued from a situation that didn't allow her to live the privileged life every cat should have. <p>Elizabeth has fastidious litter box habits. She enjoys watching her foster parent paint, and on occasion chirps in her sweet voice her distinct opinion. Liz enjoys being picked up and carried around, which is not a hardship as she is light as a feather. The petite Liz, surprisingly, has a gigantic purr. It is easy to see her fitting into a quiet household, along with slow introductions to another cat, or a mellow dog.
My Details
Likes Cats | Yes | |
Likes Dogs | Yes | |
Likes Young Kids | Unknown |
Elizabeth Taylor's household had several unspayed cats. An IAR volunteer got them to relinquish this very young mother of at least one litter.