Iggy Pop
ID# C-18-325

6 year old • Male

All About Me

handsome white with black tabby

Iggy Pop will greet you by the door. He is sweet, cuddly, playful, outgoing and incredibly handsome. Starts purring as soon as he gets picked up. Iggy is used to being around other cats, as he grows up with his 5 siblings, his mom and other cats in his household. He loves everyone and everyone loves him. His playfulness keeps him busy, but he appreciate sitting in your lap purring and meanders onto your shoulders to rest. He and his siblings and mom are good company for any cat lover. Would love to be adopted with his mom Iman and/or one or two of his 5 siblings (Ira, Idele, Iris, Irmi, Io). <p>More pictures of the family <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9q01duu1kpahntj/AAA6HHjn5RGkZUCY0rJ0ycEMa?dl=0">here: </a>

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Yes
Likes Young Kids Yes


Rescued with mom Iman and 5 siblings only days old from being euthanized at the shelter.
