ID# C-18-317

6 year old • Female

All About Me

Honeydew is a beautiful little tortoiseshell with oh-so-soft fur.

Honeydew is a playful, sweet little girl who purrs up a storm as soon as she gets to know you. She likes to play with her foster siblings and nap in the sun. She is small for her age but is large in personality. She would love to be adopted with one of her foster siblings, <a href="https://www.animalrescue.net/C-18-138">Valentina</a> and <a href="https://www.animalrescue.net/C-18-316">Pumpkin</a>.

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Unknown
Likes Young Kids Unknown


Honeydew was one of two surviving kittens who was rescued by an IAR foster volunteer in Hillsborough.
