ID# C-18-274

6 year old • Female

All About Me

Pedal is a super cute, petite girl. Her tortie coloring looks like there is an orange and white kitten trying to emerge from an all-black one! She has beautiful yellow eyes with a bit of green at the center that are reminiscent of an owl's.

Pedal is a playful, loving cat. She loves wrestling with her slightly older foster brother Bumper, who is also up for adoption. While Pedal is fairly independent, Bumper follows her around like a lost puppy. If they get separated by a door he cries for hours on end. For that reason, we would like for them to be adopted together. Pedal likes to explore her surroundings and climb on her foster parents. She also like nuzzling on and receiving licks from her dogfather, an 85lb German Shepherd. She has picked up his habit of giving licks as a sign of affection, so her foster parents' noses are always very clean! Let us know if you have room in your house and hearts for the two coolest cats on the block!

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Yes
Likes Young Kids Yes

Best Friends

Pedal would be especially happy to find a home with another cat from her foster home:


Pedal was found in the undercarriage of a truck on a construction site in Chapel Hill. She ended up being fostered alongside another kitten that shared a similar story, hence her automotive-themed name!
