ID# C-18-261

6 year old • Female

All About Me

Black fur

Fern is a playful girl that tries to keep up with her sisters. She started outside with her brother and sisters trying to make it on their own. Fern had to learn to trust humans and has come a long way and loves to play with her kitten sisters and brothers and string toys are the best! If you want to see Fern in action click this link: <a href="https://photos.app.goo.gl/v9TR95CnuL228eSY6"> VIDEO/PICTURES </a>.

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Yes
Likes Young Kids Unknown


Found as a kitten with her mom at a local apartment complex, trying to make it on their own along with her littermates BlueBell, DayLilly, Buttercup, and Petunia.
