ID# C-17-472
7 year old • Female
All About Me
Grey and white mottled tabby/tortoiseshell
This is Miss Anonymous, whom we call Missé for short. She’s an extremely sweet and endearing cat who loves the company of people and likes to talk and sing. She's so loving I can't imagine finding a sweeter cat. <p> While she's a bit of a sprite and very energetic, she is also happy to be held and to give and receive affection. She's definitely interested in being a companion cat!
My Details
Likes Cats | Unknown | |
Likes Dogs | Unknown | |
Likes Young Kids | Yes |
Missé followed our daughter home from babysitting one night this fall. It appears that she was dumped in the park across from our house, and probably had been someone's pet as she is extremely friendly and very comfortable with humans.