ID# C-17-467

7 year old • Male

All About Me

Nicho is a black and white kitten with large, wide open eyes.

Meet Nicho, the kitten who will keep you laughing! He is the largest of his siblings and just as sweet and gentle as can be. Nicho loves belly rubs most of all and will just lay and enjoy while you rub away. Like the rest of his siblings, he is a player and a cuddler and always has time for more play and cuddles. <p>Nicho is always on the lookout for whatever is going on and is quick to communicate that to his sibs, just like he did before they were rescued! Nicho needs a same age playmate to keep up with his kitten energy and wants to be adopted with one of his siblings, Nashe, Nachi or Nina.

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Unknown
Likes Young Kids Unknown


Nicho was rescued with his Mom and 3 siblings who were living in a vent in a SW Durham Office Park.
