7 year old • Female
Exotic form, silky black with a sprinkle of fairy dust white hairs, classic Siamese wedge head, gold to green eyes.
Fabulous Suki is seeking her forever home where she is a cherished pet. Suki is a funny, expressive, athletic cat that has always lived inside. She is self-sufficient but enjoys others being around. Once Suki knows you she is very affectionate. This petite, exotic, ebony, beauty is ready for her real home. She has perfect litter box manners. Thank you for considering her as a member of your family. The adopters will be getting a lino print of this magnificent cat!
My Details
Likes Cats | Yes | |
Likes Dogs | Yes | |
Likes Young Kids | Yes |
As a wee kitten Suki had been found at a busy intersection by a young woman with her two children. The mother phoned Independent Animal Rescue to volunteer to be a foster, took the training and then started with her new foundling. Suki was introduced into a household of eight full-grown cats and a couple of dogs. Suki grew into a lanky glossy-coated black Siamese, exclusively indoors.
She is an affectionate, loud purring, talkative cat. Loves attention, but still takes her time trusting new people. We are seeking a kind, experienced, up-to-the-challenge cat person for this very personable and independent beauty.
Having a studio cat, for almost a year, naturally, a portrait would have to be done. IAR’s normal fund raising events have been canceled. To help, I’ve completed a run of 25 hand-pulled linoleum prints of the striking Suki. They are $100 each and 100% goes to IAR. Whoever adopts Suki gets pick of the prints and the cost of the print will be refunded once she is securely in her home. At this point, it is not hard to imagine that Suki will successfully develop into a remarkable companion. Thank you for reading and please feel free to share.
Young, glossy coat, clear eyes, great appetite, recently spayed, up-to-date on all, micro-chipped.