7 year old • Female
Beautiful black kitten with big ears and gorgeous green eyes and a very shiny coat.
Neptune is as close to a perfect kitten as you can get. She is curious, playful, quiet and very clever. If you are lucky, every once in a while you will hear her tiny high pitched baby meow. It's adorable! Neptune's favourite toys right now are pipe cleaners.She carries them all around the house and is even learning to play fetch with them. She also loves to run and tumble with her brother Jupiter and sister Pluto. They are the best of friends. Neptune will let you know when she wants love as she will flop down on the floor in front of you. This is the sign for "rub my belly please". At night she loves to cuddle up in bed with her foster mom and her siblings. Nothing better than a pile of kittens! If you are considering more than one kitten Neptune says please consider her siblings Jupiter and Pluto as they have never been apart. <p> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCOgOxZoKQH6f1kDrVcy3VA/videos">Watch me on YouTube</a>
<p> <a
href="https://photos.app.goo.gl/aOtCjGglGuboP0Xf2 ">Link for additional photos</a>
My Details
Likes Cats | Unknown | |
Likes Dogs | Unknown | |
Likes Young Kids | Unknown |
Found outside in a sewer drain with her mother and siblings.