10 year old • Female
Magnolia has a lovely white coat with a light brown tail and 'eyebrows'. We think she is part Turkish Van
Magnolia is a low maintenance cat who will purr loudly when she rubs against your hand or legs. She loves to get her cheeks and chin scratched but is not keen on back rubs. She is extremely sweet but can be a little shy at first. It takes her a few days to feel comfortable around new people. <p>When feeling adventurous, Mags has a fun playful side and loves to chase a laser pointer around. She isn't in the least bit demanding and would make a great addition to any household who wants a low-maintenance pet, happy to spend time on their own.</p>rn<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ACJEqiAd6xU?rel=0" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
My Details
Likes Cats | Unknown | |
Likes Dogs | Unknown | |
Likes Young Kids | Unknown |
She was found in the community about to have her litter of four.