Mr. Binx
ID# C-17-190

8 year old • Male

All About Me

Mr. Binx has a beautiful black coat with a little white patch on his chest, and the most beautiful green eyes.

Mr. Binx is a sweet and gentle cat who cannot get enough head rubs. He is a very curious cat, and it's quite fun to watch him wander around the apartment and stare at objects such as the dishwasher inquisitively. Binx loves to lounge around the apartment and flop and roll around on the carpet. He is very playful with a little bit of a clumsy edge. His favorite toy is the laser pointer and he loves being the center of attention, I even find him staring at himself in the mirror from time to time. Mr. Binx is a cuddler and loves to follow me around the apartment. Mr. Binx would do really well in a quiet household where he can get all of the head rubs.

My Details
Likes Cats Unknown
Likes Dogs Unknown
Likes Young Kids Unknown

