8 year old • Male
Orange tabby young male.
Tang is a great, calm boy that likes to be with other cats and likes to play with toys! Canned-food time is his absolute favorite time of day and he is never late. All of the cats in the group he was rescued with are great with other cats, enjoy playtime, and are just really amazing cats. <p>Tang enjoys the company of other cats, so it would be great if he had a friend or one of his siblings (listed in his History) to go with him.
<p>See his video learning a new toy! How can you resist that boy? Tang is the little boy in the back with his brothers Cooper and Abraham in the front. <a href="https://goo.gl/photos/d6mAB52PG1u7sueJA">Click here</a> for the video!
My Details
Likes Cats | Yes | |
Likes Dogs | Yes | |
Likes Young Kids | Yes |
Tang was the last cat found from a large colony of outdoor, well-mannered cats being removed by the homeowner. He would do great with Cooper, Abraham, Bleu, BB, Dot, and Dash.