Captain Jack
ID# C-17-012

9 year old • Male

All About Me

Captain Jack is incredibly handsome with plush white fur, several gray spots along his forehead and torso and a beautiful bushy gray tail. He is a petite boy, weighing around 7-8 pounds. Because he was rescued as an adult, we aren't sure of his exact age but the vets estimate him to be around a year and a half. He is missing his right eye and will be having follow up surgery for it during the first week of February. He lacks some depth perception as a result, so he does not enjoy climbing too high on cat towers and he startles fairly easy with sudden movements. For these reasons, Jack will probably do best in a calm environment. His injury certainly does not affect his sweet disposition or his willingness to play!

Captain Jack just might be the sweetest cat around! He loves being held, and he will even outstretch his arms for you to pick him up. When he isn't cuddling (which is rare), he is easily tempted with a wand toy or a ball. He seems particularly drawn to cat toys that make noise, such as those with bells and bird sounds. He is a pretty vocal cat and responds with an adorable little meow when you talk to him. He is a good eater, has impeccable litter box manners, and is an overall gentleman in all things. He has not scratched on any of his foster parents' furniture nor disrupted any knick knacks or the like. Although he really likes to play, he is overall a very calm kitty. He likes looking out the windows at birds and finding comfortable spots for relaxing. Captain Jack's ideal home would include an affectionate family member who is home for a good portion of the day in order to satisfy his desire for company and to keep him from being bored. Meet him and you're sure to fall in love! Because of Jack's surgery and vaccination schedule, he should be ready to go to his new home mid-February.

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Yes
Likes Young Kids Unknown


Captain Jack has a very special rescue story. A mother and daughter were leaving the memorial service for a relative when they noticed a small cat carrier near their car door. Inside was a lovely one-eyed cat. Being cat lovers, they knew they needed to help but were conflicted because they had to get on a plane to head back to their home out of state later that day. They took the cat with them in their car, still unsure of what to do, and they headed for a nearby pet store. As fate would have it, an IAR volunteer was hosting an adoption event at the store that day and, when she heard the story, she knew she had to help by taking this cat into her home. Jack has been thriving ever since, all thanks to the care and love of these amazing women.
