Batman (now Rollo)
ID# C-16-424

8 year old • Male

All About Me

Batman is a black and white tuxedo cat! He has 4 white paws, a white bib and a white chin. He has a small white stripe on his nose. His toes are a mix of pink and black!

Batman is an energetic kitten boy. He loves to chase his own tail, leap after a rolling ball, or kick his toy squirrel. When he is not playing with a toy, he can be found chasing his foster brother Emerson around on the cat tower. Once Batman gets to know you, he enjoys being held or sitting on your chest and playing with the drawstrings of your sweatshirt! He is still a little startled by noises and cautious of new situations, so a laid back atmosphere would best suit this cutie. Batman's ideal home would be calm and cozy, with room for his best buddy Emerson. He and Emerson are a bonded pair and will need to be adopted together.

My Details
Likes Cats Yes
Likes Dogs Yes
Likes Young Kids Unknown


Found as a stray in Carrboro
